First “Balls Out” Run!

The re-programming saga continues. I took the opportunity at our Tuesday morning group run on the Old Mormon Trail to test out my “new legs.” My experiences during the last week or so predicted that the newly switched on core quads and glutes would make the initial climb up the trail feel pretty good – and they did. Also, as expected, about half way up the climb those same muscles would start to tire, and they did. I focused tightly on more forceful exhales and keeping a light, quick turnover and the transition to secondary muscles made for an even transition to our turnaround at the Affleck Park Campground.

I told Tom Jow to keep the faster runners back for a couple minutes as Julie and I led our slower runners back down the trail. This “catch us if you can” routine is a favorite of the running group and makes speed work fun.

We were about 2/3ds of the way back down before I sensed Jowman closing in on us. “Lighter, quicker, lighter, quicker,” I sang to myself as I danced down the trail. I could feel Julie mimicking my turnover and breathing. Finally Tom used a wide spot in the trail to blow by us. “Miller, you’re back,” he commented as he passed. I few minutes later, after reaching the end, he turned around and ran back through us on the way to run with the following pack of runners to the finish. (One of our unwritten rules is that no one ends up running alone on group runs).

At the end of the run, Julie and I high fived each other over our efforts. This run marked my first “let it all out” run in many months. Now my problem is patience: to do too much too soon will be counterproductive. However, it’s not too soon to start planning my race schedule for the rest of this year and next year’s Ironman 70.3 races.

The most important event in the near future is Susan and I traveling to northern Italy for 6 days of hiking in the Dolomite Mountains in early September. September 21st is the Xterra National Trail Running Championships to be held here in Utah. This event will be followed by the Xterra World Trail Running Championships in Hawaii in early December. I’m still undecided on which triathlons I will do, but will have to decide soon because they close months in advance. I’ll keep you posted on my progress in preparation for these adventures. Gotta run, Tom. oHo

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